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Researching and Writing


Visiting Fellow, English Department


Final Year / Capstone Projects

  • Supervised sixteen (16) groups, over 80 students, for their senior year professional communications projects.


Promotional Writing

  • Designed a new syllabus to focus on the diversity of professional communications in practice for public relations, advertising, social media and other promotional sectors.


Popular Culture & Social Life

  • Designed a comprehensive new course merging practice and theory.

  • Students created pop culture blogs reflecting current events based on weekly lectures.


Business Communications

  • General education course focused on polishing professional corporate communications.



  • Oversaw semester projects dedicated to communications, education, promotion, and other English focused practices.




Lecturer, School of Design


Globalization in New Media Design and Technology (Graduate)

• Work centered on the role of communications in global marketing programs. â€¢ Focused on detailed strategic research to understand audiences.
• Edited student writing for comprehension and grammar.




Lecturer & Ph.D. Researcher, Department of Communications


Public Relations Writing (Undergraduate)

Designed a new course dedicated to strategic targeted media writing.

Work focused on media writing for multiple media formats ranging from

general to consumer, political, scientific & other media segments.

Concentrated on combining journalism with marketing needs.

Focused on term projects developing Request for Proposals (RFPs) and

responding to them with nuanced, strategic insight for analysis.


Fundamentals of Persuasion (Undergraduate)

Designed projects dedicated to conceptualizing strategy.

Lectured on key principles both historical & contemporary

Focused on not just digital technology, including traditional media practice.


Public Relations Strategy (Graduate)

Designed course to direct student focus on the global practice of public relations.

Focused lectures on strategy, analysis, writing, use of PR in the practice of Integrated Marketing Communications & the Digital Age.

Developed original presentations.

Utilized Harvard Business Case studies to implore real-world understanding.

Focused term projects on developing Request for Proposals (RFPs) and

responding to them with nuanced, strategic insight with analysis.


Fundamentals of Advertising; (Undergraduate)

Designed syllabus and program for this introductory course.
Lectures included how practice of advertising has evolved, impact of

technology, the communications toolbox, & digital (social) media.
Developed original presentations.
Focused term projects on developing Request for Proposals (RFPs) and

responding to them with nuanced, strategic insight with analysis.
Concentrated on the idea of social nuances as content guidelines. Many of the campaigns examined were from the US and Europe which tended to be very different from what many students claim to have seen before.




Branding Through Social Media: How to Connect with your Audience (CityUHK 2014)

Rise Above the Noise On-Line (CityUHK 2015)

Advergames: How Companies Market to Consumers via Gaming Initiatives (CityUHK 2020)

LGBT Imagery and Life in the United States (Savannah College of Art & Design 2015)


Public Relations 101: Designing a comprehensive media strategy (NYU 2010)




Teaching Experience: Quote
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